
My name is Alex i am striving student. i hope to achieve very successfully and go to college. i attend Huntington Park Institute Of Applied Medicine or HPIAM For short. I live in Los Angeles California. I hope to become a big success in life and help other students

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Selecting Your Courses

Selecting Your Courses
The Arts

Research indicates that students who participate in the arts often do better in school and on standardized tests. The arts help you recognize patterns, discern differences and similarities, and exercise your mind in unique ways, often outside a traditional classroom setting.

Many colleges require or recommend one or two semesters in the arts. Good choices include studio art, dance, music and drama. Many students have talents and extraordinary abilities in the arts. Students should look within their own repertoire of talents and identify their artistic abilities and take college classes to develop their talents.

Advanced placement Program (AP)

To be sure you are ready to take on college-level work, enroll in the most challenging courses you can in high school, such as honors or AP courses. Research consistently shows that students who score a 3.0 or higher on a AP Exam typically experience greater academic success and college graduation rates than students who don’t take AP.

Work hard in you righteous pursuits, and you will reap the benefits of self-fulfillment and job satisfaction. Don’t take shortcuts just to “get by,” instead, take challenging and difficult roads (courses) and reach higher peaks mountain peaks of achievement.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Set Sail

'Tis the Set of the Sail
Ella Wheeler Wilcox 1916
But to every mind there openeth,
A way, and a way, and away.
A high soul climb the highway,
And the low soul gropes the low,
And in between on the misty flats,
The rest drift to and fro.

But to every man there openeth,
A High way and a low,
And every mind dicideth,
The way his soul shall go

One ship sails East,
And another West,
By the self-same wind that blow,
'Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales,
That tells the way we go.
Like the winds of the sea
Are the waves of time,
As we journey along through life,
'Tis the set of soul,
That determines the goal,
And not the calm or the strife.

Friday, March 1, 2013


Student Success Statement 
Albert A. Montapert
No matter how fast you are you cannot escape the consequences. If you choose the wrong and steal, your consequence will be bad. If you choose the right you will get good consequences

How to Take on College Studying Part 3

How to take on college studying part 3
Do the reading
You need to do more than just read the chapters you are assigned --- you’re expected to understand them thoroughly. Here are some tips:
·         Don’t skim. Read all the material carefully.
·         Break up difficult assignments into sections you can digest ---chapters, subsections or even paragraphs.
·         Look up any words that you don’t understand.
·         Pause to think about whether you understand the material; ask questions in class about anything that is unclear.
·         Take notes instead of highlighting --- this makes you think through and rephrase the key points.
·         Create a summary sheet of what you learned from each assignment you read.
Choose the right!!!